2009Quality of Life (QoL) Survey Viewer
2009 QoL Survey Viewer
The first GCRO QoL survey was completed during 2009 with a total sample of 6636 interviews across the Gauteng province and selected economic footprints in the neighbouring provinces of North West, Free State and Mpumulanga. The survey measures a wide range of issues such as levels of satisfaction with government services, poverty, socio-economic status, commuter movement within the GCR and quality of life. In addition questions on the ‘headspace’ of respondents enable values and attitudes to be mapped and analysed on top of socio-economic variables. With a sample large enough to allow analysis both within and across municipalities, for the first time a comparison across the entire GCR is possible, including the economic footprints outside of Gauteng.

The fieldwork was completed by Data Research Africa (DRA) in August and September of 2009. The 2009 version of local electoral wards used as the primary sampling unit, with 6636 respondents interviewed across 569 wards. The final dataset was delivered in December 2009 following an intensive verification process during November 2009 where fieldwork coordinate capture issues were checked and corrected using GIS – a first for both GCRO and for the fieldwork agency Data Research Africa (DRA). Weights were applied at a municipal level within Gauteng (using Census 2001 population data per local/metropolitan municipality), and per total ward population for the sampled regions outside Gauteng.

In these outlying regions, the sizes of the sampled wards in municipalities such as Metsimaholo, Madibeng etc., do not reflect the whole municipalities, but only those wards that were included in the study area were used for weighting purposes. The final dataset has an error bar of 1.3%. More information (including a presentation of the main results) is available on the 2009 Quality of Life project page

To view, graph, download and print single variables (with the option to cross tab by the old 2006 local municipal boundaries and regions in the neighbouring provinces), click on the single query button below or view the tutorial/help file.


To view, download or print variables (no graphs are available) cross tabbed by selecting from a limited list of demographic variables, click on the multiple query button below or view the tutorial/help file.


The data should be used for statistical and scientific research purposes only. Any books, articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, reports, or other publications that employ data obtained from the GCRO QoL viewer must cite the source of data in accordance with the citation statement: Gauteng City-Region Observatory (2009). GCRO 2011 Quality of Life Survey viewer.

GCRO and its partners bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.

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